Palomino of Certainty

Once upon a time there was a Salmon of Doubt who very much wanted a pony.

He pined and wailed and let everyone know just how much he wanted a pony.

And lo and behold, his wishes did come true.

The heartwarming story about how Salmon of Doubt found his pony is now a wonderful children's book, published to unparalleled critical aclaim.

"The greatest story ever trolled." —Hippo Crite

Here are some excerpts from the marvelous musical score.

Title: Salmon Doubting
Artist: Moulton
Composer: Barsoom Tork Associates
Midi: Yankee Doodle
Salmon Doubting came to town
Looking for his pony
Posted nonsense on his case
And asked, "Is this baloney?"
Salmon Doubting keep it up
Salmon Doubting writhing
Posted nonsense on his page
Now SBJ is sighing
Moulton 11:52, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

Title: Pony Baloney
Artist: The Foo
Composer: Larry Williams and Barsoom Tork Associates
Midi: Boney Maronie

I know a Doubter riding Pony Baloney
He's got a noodle like a stick of macaroni
Ought to see him revert with his FooBots on
He's not very smart, he rides on and on
But I stalk him, and he stalks me
We all are annoyed as we can be
Makin' a ruckus all over Wikiversity

He told SBJ and Old WAS, too,
Just exactly what he planned to do
He wants to get blocked on a night real soon
And rock Wikiversity like a mad buffoon
So I stalk him and he stalks me
We all are annoyed as we can be
Makin' a ruckus all over Wikiversity

He's my Pony Baloney, he's a real nightmare
Will I ever wash that Salmon right outta my hair?
Everybody groans when our posts fly by
It's a sight to see SB Johny sigh
Everyone's annoyed, listenin' to me
Make music all over Wikiversity

That why I stalk him and he stalks me
We're all annoyed as we can be
Making music all over Wikiversity

CopyClef 2008 Larry Williams and Barsoom Tork Associates. All songs abused.

Barsoom Tork 14:10, 6 September 2008 (UTC)