Renee Knight
on mobile
Evelyn has been wanting to get ahold of you.

This is her e-mail address
Yesterday at 8:13 PMSent from Mobile
Evelyn? I don't recall knowing anyone named Evelyn. Perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else?
5 hours ago
You can now call each other and see information like Active Status and when you've read messages.
Evy, no, she specifically asked me to write you!

She also went by Laura Hernandez

Her name in actuality includes both names.

She may have been asking you about a genetic disorder she has that she’s trying to research
4 hours agoSent from Messenger
Oh. Laura Hernandez. That's a name I do recall.
We chatted some years ago.
4 hours ago
Did she leave Facebook? I don't see any chat logs from her.
OK. I found it. She had her name here as Hernandez Laura.

Hernandez Laura

University of Life, the Universe and Everything2 Mutual Friends
Last message was August 28, 2015. Almost four years ago.
4 hours ago
Yes! She’s been on the run since her father died!
She changed that FB page from Evelyn Hernandez at one point
She is not on Facebook anymore because of her family
3 hours agoSent from Messenger
Notice this:

Evelyn Hernandez Borques

Hernandez Laura

University of Life, the Universe and Everything2 Mutual Friends
3 hours agoSent from Messenger
Can you e-mail her?
3 hours agoSent from Messenger
What is her issue?
2 hours ago
Her family stole her inheritance & they are chasing her all over the country tracking her on her phone...

She needs help to keep researching her condition, but is barely able to survive, going from hotel to hotel, state to state.

She needs a phone they cannot track!
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
You missed a video chat with Renee.
I need to be on a different computer for voice/video. This one has no mic or camera.
2 hours ago
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
I actually hit that by accident while getting changed
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
What is her condition?
2 hours ago
So I’ve known Evy for many many years there has always been a problem with her family they are evil and they don’t want her to have a penny of family money they have taken away everything that she was entitled to somehow legally and she’s not been able to get the lawyer that her dad wanted her to speak to you before he died.

Graciela (greedy wife of her Dad) only hung around for the money & May have hurt him, controlled him.
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
It’s a genetic thing, that may be behind her headaches!

I do not know exactly!

She’s figured some things out. Needs to communicate with you!
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Why? I have no depth in either law or medicine.
2 hours ago
I have to go grocery shopping & have a meeting at 8:30pm

I don’t know!

Please write to her
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Why? Her issues are way outside my area of expertise.
2 hours ago
I don’t know why, you’re asking the wrong person!

Ask her, she thinks you can help in some way.
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Four years ago, we both agreed there was nothing in my background or area of expertise that was of any interest or value to her.
2 hours ago
Well, sometimes things change
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Why are you asking me questions I cannot answer!

I’m not even in the USA!
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
What's changed? She abandoned FB, ran away from her family. I haven't a clue what's going on in her head.
1 hour ago
Her family abandoned her & left her homeless, what are you talking about?
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
Just write her & find out!

You cannot get those answers from me.
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
«Her family are chasing her all over the country.»
You wrote two sentences which are mutually contradictory.
1 hour ago
«Her family abandoned her.»
«Her family are chasing her all over the country.»
1 hour ago
Chasing her all over the country (in hiding) and poisoning her, tracking her, trying to drive her crazy / kill her. How much clearer do I need to be?
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
One of those sentences cannot be true.
Oh, she is still paranoid, same as before. I cannot help her. I have no idea how to help someone who is suffering from paranoia.
1 hour ago
Whatever! If you won’t write her just say so!

I have no time for childish quarrels
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
She isn’t paranoid!
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
She isn't rational, either. Never was, never will be.
1 hour ago
These things do happen when millions of dollars are involved!

Do you know anyone worth that kind of money?

I do, women will let their rich husbands rape their daughters for millions.

Tracking someone is not an uncommon thing, neither is stealing an inheritance!
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
My uncle was the head of GE, another uncle cheif designer for Honda people worry tens of millions of dollars.

Evil and greed surround them
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
If she were paranoid-she would be in a mental hospital by now
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
She needs to be in classroom. But she is resistant to becoming educated. That's why I cannot be of any help to her.
1 hour ago
How can she be in a classroom, when she can barely survive!
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
Four years ago, when she had ample opportunity, she went out of her way to stay out of the classroom, out of the reach of any kind of education.
1 hour ago
She never did have the money, opportunity is only there if you have the money to register.
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
I offered her free instruction and she rejected it.
1 hour ago
She was also suffering from horrible headaches, not so easy with a disability to attend regular classes

Anyhow I have a meeting in 15 minutes.
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
Your deep grudge is interesting
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
For whatever reason, diagnosed or not, there was no practical possibility of providing her an education.
1 hour ago
How did you falsify the null hypothesis?
1 hour ago
You were simply asked to contact her, you could say yes, or no, instead you waste my time arguing with me.

You’re hurt because she didn’t take your class & now you decide to take it out on me rather than talk to her about it! I can’t answer questions for her that only she knows the answer to! If you cannot understand that there is a deep grudge you are holding onto!
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
I have no good reason to contact her, given she has no interest in being educated. That's all I have to offer is a chance at education. The issues you describe are far beyond my purview to address.

Let me rephrase my question that you have not yet answered ...

How did you falsify the null hypothesis?
1 hour ago
I’m done here, my colleagues are coming in for the meeting!

Why Should I answer your questions?
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
Because you formulated a working hypothesis that I know to be untrue. But I'm curious to learn how you falsified the null hypothesis.
1 hour ago
You were asked to write her, just say yes or no instead of being a pompous ass!
1 hour agoSent from Messenger
How did you falsify the null hypothesis?
59 minutes ago
You need to answer my question, will you write her or not?
59 minutes agoSent from Messenger
I have no good reason to contact her. I've explained that to you more than once.
Moreover, I now have evidence that you operate from unexamined working hypothesis that you presume to be the ground truth without demonstrating any adherence to the protocols of the scientific method.
57 minutes ago
Meeting in progress
You really are a pompous ass!
55 minutes agoSent from Messenger
How did you falsify the null hypothesis?
What you appear to be doing is projecting. But if so, I have no solution to offer you.
54 minutes ago
I have no need to communicate with you further!

I am in a meeting.

Cease & desist
53 minutes agoSent from Messenger
I will point out that you contacted me. I gave you the courtesy of responding, but you appear to be ungrateful, even for that small courtesy.
53 minutes ago
Courtesy! You don’t know the meaning of the word

Do you understand what cease & desist means?
52 minutes agoSent from Messenger
Sure I do. But as long as you keep the line open, I reserve the right to respond.
You are free to disconnect at any time.
Oh, and let me disclose one other item of my long-standing policy. If someone contacts me and conducts themselves in an abusive manner, I reserve the right to publish the message in its entirety.
Formulating and announcing a haphazard theory of mind, unsupported by analysis and reasoning in accordance with the protocols of the scientific method is an example of abusive conduct.
49 minutes agoSeen 8:35 PM