Simon Chatzigiannis
active 40 minutes ago
slightsmile emoticon
Sounds appropriate! slightsmile emoticon
Aug 12, 2018Sent from Messenger
Hi Barry
So. I found something and I am putting the theory together.
Do you work these days?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
I turn 74 in two weeks. You might say I'm retired.
2 hours ago
Cool. Ok I should celebrate at your birthday. When is it?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
I rather celebrate people being liberated from the demons that are tearing away at their tortured souls.
2 hours ago
You sound tortured. Why the negativity?
I don't live in the US. I meant to wish you birthday as a good gesture
Do you consider yourself healthy?
Do you think you were always mentally sound?
When you went to MIT, were you and all your colleagues mentally sound?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
The problem with having empathy, Simon, is that one feels the other guy's pain.
2 hours ago
Do you consider Perplexity to be a mental disorder?
2 hours ago
I never intended to make you feel pain. Don't feel sorry for me.
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
I'm not about feeling sorry. I'm about devising innovative solutions to complex problems.
That's why I spent my life doing research.
2 hours ago
Put your sorriness to the side for a moment.
What can you do with an innovative solution?
Do you publish it?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Ease some of the pain in the world, maybe?
2 hours ago
Yes. In practice, what can you do
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Provide insight where that's possible.
2 hours ago
Do you know how to publish theories?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Have you perchance reviewed any of the theories I've published to detect how I publish them?
2 hours ago
Including to make a test for them
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
No, I haven't, that is why I ask
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
I have a feeling you haven't been doing your homework, Simon.
2 hours ago
Barry you are too old to be so arrogant.
Have you read my profile?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
I am annoyed at you, Simon. Annoyed, irritated, and disappointed.
2 hours ago
Did you ever make a big discovery yourself?
Why do you like teaching so much?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Why not make a good discovery, a big, useful paper?
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Simon, it's quiz time. I want to take a measurement of just how little you been paying attention.

1. What is the name of the peer-reviewed and published theory for which I and my team at MIT won the Best Theory Paper Award in 2001?
2 hours ago
In this case, this type of motivation does not work.
It has the opposite effect
2 hours agoSent from Messenger
Simon, I'm putting you back on Snooze. You haven't been paying an iota of attention. for the past five months.
2 hours ago
I am writing a theory. I have something very new and you could help write it. The problem for me is whether you are trustworthy.
Your biography doesn't prove that. You prove it here and here you prove you are pissed.
2 hours agoSeen 6:46 PMSent from Messenger